Monday, May 16, 2011

What time is it? 2AM!!!!!!!!!!


ok, i'm going to 2AM showcase on 21st of May.

*screammmmmmm againnn!!!!!

totally looking forward to it, though i'm supposed to be thinking about my finals, and my papers,

yea yea yea.

and yes, i've got 4 paper straight after that weekend,and i haven't study a thing.

* horror screammmm!!!

can't wait to see jo kwon, seulong oppa, changmin oppa, and jiwonnie.

though rite know i'm kinda hating my friend that supposed to go with me to the concert,

and it's ruining my mood for a bit.

yea yea yea, go climb your mountain, it's not like i'm forcing you to go with me!

stop making me feel like it,

and i wish you got a very large pimple inside your nose that will hurt like crazy!


argh, i really hate him right now,

got to gulp down a lagre cup of milo ais first

Take care,


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