Monday, May 16, 2011


lately sangat malas untuk menulis entri.

idea tu sentiasa melimpah ruah,

terutama bila tengah-tengah menung dalam bas,

berguling kat rumah,

tak pun time tengah stuck tunggu makanan kat kafe.

tapi hadap je page new post kat blogger ni, semua jadi blank.

oh0o got to mine my language and spelling, i think a few of my student have found out about this blog.

the reason i'm finally writing something on this jurnal of mine is that,

i've just finish blogwalking,

and man,

i even find a guy's blog that even cuter and well managed than mine.

and i'm a girl,

and on top of that,

a teacher!

got to write about something more intelligence and usefull than all this everyday babbbling.


oh ya, the meaning for the title of this entry which is,

'Sequester' ;-

1 [often as adjectives sequestered] isolated or hide away


that i'm supposed to sequestered right now cause of the exams,

and the fact that i haven't study a thing yet,

and still writing this thing.

ok, that's the lesson for today,

and teacher Ga-in will go and study now.

Take care,


*tak tahu kenapa entri hari ini dalam bahasa Inggeris. Miaowww!

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