Sunday, January 8, 2012

Inspiration :Dear Sister

Dear Sisters

”If only you knew how special you are to Him. So much so, that He has demanded that you

were protected in every way, Hijab being one of them. So much so, that He has placed Jannah

beneath your feet. So much so, that He sent His greatest creation (the Prophet sallalahu alaihi

wassalam) to show men how to treat you. So much so, that life revolves around you; the

future revolves around you. So much so, that the most Merciful has dedicated a whole chapter

of His words to you [Surah An-Nisaa]. He has valued you; He has elevated your worth; He has

beautified your existence - Don’t cheapen your soul to a value any less.¨.......You are precious.

credit to Productive Muslim

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